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Læring og undervisning i digitale omgivelser

F O R  S T U D E N T S
A N D  T E A C H E R S

Skjermbilde 2020-11-27 kl. 12.24.01.png

“Breaktime” can be used in various ways: both in teacher education, by the teaching staff at schools or with 6th - 10th graders. Below, we suggest one way the resource can be used in lower secondary school. In addition, we recommend that users are introduced to regulations concerning sharing videos and images, relevant school legislations (e.g., The Education Act’s §9a about the students’ school environment) and updated research about young peoples media habits.


"Breaktime" can be used when addressing issues as health and life skills. It may be relevant to collaborate with social workers, the bully ombudsman, the local police etc.



Time frame: approx. 4 teaching hours 



Plenary (40 minutes)

The teacher presents the assignment and relevant competence aims. Sequentially, the class watch the films together.



  • What is the first impression of the class environment?


Groups (60 minutes)

The class is split into groups of for example 3-4 students.

Responsibility is divided:

  1. Chair

  2. Timer

  3. Secretary

  4. Possibly, researcher


Groups are given responsibility to work in-depth in one film reel. Films that are particularly appropriate to watch together are colour coded: Chloe, Ina & Kine, Anna, Vilde, Peter, Annika, Karl Morten, Markus, Lucas, Sindre, Jannike, Birk, John, Kaia, Susann & Leonard.


Investigate rules when sharing images here:

In Lovdata, it is stated that: «The school must have zero tolerance for violations such as bullying, violence, discrimination and harassment.» It is also stated that: «The school must work continuously and systematically to promote the pupils' health, environment and safety» (Lovdata §9A-3)



  • Can you detect any signs of bullying, infringements or violations? Explain.

  • Have you previously experienced similar situations?

  • What advice would you give the students in the films?

  • What could you as a co-student do in such situations?

  • What could the school, teacher, class as a group do to promote the health, well-being, and preconditions to learn in the class?

Based on the discussion: Create suggestions for measures you believe to promote the class environment. Write in a joint document the teacher has set up. (You can ask the teacher questions in the document and the teacher can comment as you go).


Across groups (15 minutes)

The chair presents suggestions for measures and receives feedback. The secretary takes notes. The students take a break while the teacher goes through measures and suggestions.



The teacher comments on measures and suggestions from the different groups.


How do we behave towards each other?

How do we talk about each other and others?

What do we do to make sure that everybody feels included?

How do we handle things that are difficult?

Who do we turn to when something is challenging or difficult?

  • Make a poster with class rules that all students sign.


  • Make a script for a Vlog where the title and thematic sentences is «In our physical and digital class it is important to...» (Film contributions would potentially have to be made as homework and or put together/be created in another lesson). 


Retrieve the competence aims and discuss:

  • What did we learn from this work?

still 28.jpg


Bakken, A. (2020). Ungdata 2020. Nasjonale resultater (NOVA rapport16/20). Oslo: NOVA, OsloMet

the Norwegian Data Protection Authority (2019, 09. September). Deling av bilder. Datatilsynet. Retrieved 10.02.2021 from

the Education Act relating to primary and secondary education (2018). Kapittel 9A. Elevanes sitt skolemiljø (09.06.17–711).  

the Norwegian Media Authority (2020). Barn og medier. Seksuelle kommentarer og nakenbilder (delrapport 4, mai 2020)

NRK (2020, 03. september). SKAM: Noora om nakenbilder (Video). NRK.

The Police (2021). Delbart?. Politiet. Retrieved10.02.2021 from


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